Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

CoggerGurry respects your privacy.


Protecting your privacy and maintaining confidentiality in relation to your personal information is important to us.

This Privacy Policy applies to personal information collected by CoggerGurry and related entities. CoggerGurry is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APP's) set out in the Privacy Act.

CoggerGurry will update this Privacy Policy as required. If it is changed, the changes will be posted on CoggerGurry website so that you are always aware of the sort of information collected, how the information may be used, and under what circumstances it may be disclosed by CoggerGurry.

Please note that if any time CoggerGurry is required by law to release information about you or your organisation, CoggerGurry must co-operate fully.


What sort of information does CoggerGurry collect and hold?

Generally, the kinds of personal information we collect are your name, title, organisation, address, tax file number, telephone, fax number and email address. Financial information, including bank account, loan account and credit card account details. In some circumstances we may also hold other personal information provided by you. We do not use your personal information for any purpose other than for the purpose for which it was disclosed.

CoggerGurry collects information about you (the "information") so that we may provide you with taxation and other business and advisory services.

Disclosure of your personal information.

We do not provide or sell your personal information to other organisations.


Disclosure of information to third parties

Whenever possible, CoggerGurry will require you to specifically consent to any disclosure of your personal information to a third party where the disclosure of personal information is not in accordance with, or is unrelated to, the provision of services to you. In order to provide quality, efficient and affordable services to you, it is possible that your personal information may be viewed by third parties with whom Brentnalls has a vested relationship such as providers of auditing and bookkeeping services, audit insurance providers, accounting contractors, providers of financial services, IT contractors, and providers of software support. We may use Cloud Based Software during the analysis of your data and during the provision of some services, it is possible that your information may be reviewed by our overseas contractors, Backoffis Pty Ltd, with whom Brentnalls has a close, long standing and valued association.

Storage and security of your personal information

CoggerGurry has security measures designed to protect against the loss, misuse and/or alteration of information under its control.

  • Your personal information is stored in a secure electronic database and in some cases hard
    copy files.
  • Daily electronic backups are taken of our database and stored off-site in a secure bank
    vault. We use several appropriate security measures and technology to protect this
  • The use of passwords for access to our network and restrictions within our database to
    ensure that staff only access the information required to perform their tasks.
  • Controlled access to our premises includes a coded alarm system (24 hr monitoring by an
    offsite security company) and coded locks to access the building.
  • Contracted security shredding services engaged for the destruction of hardcopy
  • Protocols for fast and effective action in accordance with the Office of the Australian
    Information Commissioner's (OAIC) Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) scheme

Can you access the personal information that CoggerGurry holds?

Under the Act, you have the right to access your personal information that is collected and held by CoggerGurry. If, at any time you would like to access your personal information that we hold, please contact us.

If your personal information is out of date or incorrect, you may inform us, and we will update this for you.

All requests for access or amendments to personal information will:

  • be treated seriously;
  • be dealt with promptly and in a confidential manner; and
  • not affect your existing obligations or the commercial arrangements between you and

To obtain access to your personal information held by CoggerGurry, you will need proof of identity. This is necessary to ensure that personal information is not only provided to the correct individual, but that the privacy of others is also protected.


CoggerGurry are fully committed to providing quality accounting and advisory services. If you are dissatisfied with our performance or would like to raise a complaint, we encourage you to contact us on (03) 5571 0111 to speak with either our Practice Manager or the Director responsible for the completion of your work. Alternatively we invite you to lodge any complaint in writing addressed as follows:

The Practice Manager


PO Box 689


Please provide us with as much information regarding your complaint as possible. We will then attend to your complaint and may also contact you for further details. Once we have enough information, we will endeavour to resolve your complaint within 10 business days.

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