Although inherently linked, succession and estate planning are two quite separate matters. Succession planning is really about the evolution of a business.
It is about growth, opportunity and building a future for your business together with the family, and in some cases, employees working in management.
It involves the transitioning of the business to the next generation in the most appropriate, efficient and tax effective way.
Estate planning, however, is about protecting your wealth and ensuring your estate is passed to your chosen beneficiaries in the most efficient and tax effective way.
At CoggerGurry, we can work with you to identify your specific needs, as well as those of your business. We then clearly outline the steps needed to move toward your goal.
It is never too early to plan for succession and it is important to remember that succession itself is not retirement.
We believe any succession process must prioritise business relationships and family unity. Maintaining family harmony is a must.
To commence the process we establish a clear pathway forward for all family members, whilst encouraging contribution from all involved.
Then, it is about transitioning the business to the next generation, over time, with adequate and secure income streams established.
This is about taking the steps necessary to protect your wealth against the unforeseen, and to avoid disputes over your estate.
Effective estate planning provides the certainty that assets will go where you want them to, when you want them to and this will deliver peace of mind for
you and clarity for your family and beneficiaries.
Of course it is essential this process is appropriately linked to your sucession plan. The full planning process with appropriate linkage are facilitated by our CoggerGurry team.
44 Gray Street
Hamilton Vic 3300
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.