From 13 November the ATO requires new businesses with an ABN (excluding sole traders) to nominate their tax agent via ATO online business services. This applies for BAS agents and payroll service providers as well as tax agents. Existing client/agent relationships will not be affected unless there is a change to current arrangements.
This means your tax agent will not be able to access your business information with the ATO until you nominate them, and the agent has accepted the nomination. This change is to further strengthen the security of your data and prevent cyber and identity theft. Your tax agent will not be able to do this nomination for you, it must be actioned by you.
What you need to know
As a new business you will need to set up your access to ATO online business services. Online business services can be accessed through your web browser but you will need to pass an identification process first with myGovID and then link your myGovID to your ABN. You will need the myGovID app (which is not the same as your myGov app).
From within the business services you can nominate your tax agent and they have 28 days to action the nomination. To nominate your tax agent you will need to request their tax agent number from them. Make sure you alert your tax agent that you have nominated them as they will not get a notification of this.
Visit the following ATO site for more information or contact CoggerGurry for our tax agent number or if you have any questions.
44 Gray Street
Hamilton Vic 3300
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.