The Victorian Government is providing practical support to farmers in south west Victoria impacted by drought with grants for farm upgrades that will provide short term benefits and build future resilience.
A $13.53 million Drought Support Package was announced by the Premier and Agriculture Minister on 30 September 2024.
The package includes $12.1 million for grants to help farmers prepare their properties for ongoing drought and dry seasonal conditions.
The On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants Program provides financial assistance to farmers to strengthen drought preparedness and the longer-term viability of their farm businesses.
Grants of up to $5,000 are available. A dollar-for-dollar co-contribution is required by the grant recipient. The grant program is being administered by Rural Finance on behalf of the Victorian Government. Applications will be processed in order of receipt and the program will close when all funds are allocated.
Eligible farmers can apply for grants for on-farm improvements including water infrastructure upgrades, stock containment areas, grain and fodder storage and drought management tools such as soil moisture monitors and weather stations.
A full list of eligible activities is available in the program guidelines.
To apply visit or call 1800 260 425 during business hours.
For more information on drought support available visit, email, or call 136 186.
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