Xero can be used to manage your business, whether you are a small or a large business, it can be tailored to you and your business needs. CoggerGurry is a Xero Platinum Champion Partner and can assist you with all your business needs. The biggest benefit to utilising Xero is the “Live data” provided and the ability for multiple logins to work together on the same file. We find this allows CoggerGurry to assist with any queries or concerns while dealing with your accounting needs.
Through Xero you can pay bills, process payroll, store files and keep track of inventory. There is also the option to connect over 1,000 specialised apps to ensure your business can run as efficiently as possible. These apps offer industry specific functionality to assist with Bill Processing, Quoting, Timesheets & Payroll, Customer Payments, HR and Inventory. Featured industries include Agriculture, Automotive, Construction & Trade, Health, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Retail amongst others.
If you want to find out more or understand how Xero can help your business, please get in touch.
44 Gray Street
Hamilton Vic 3300
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